‘Will’ vs ‘be going to’ – Future forms

Will vs be going to – Future forms

Exercise 1

Choose the correct forms of will and be going to to complete the sentences below.
Exercises: 1 2 3

Will vs be going to – Grammar chart

Grammar comparison chart contrasting 'WILL' and 'BE GOING TO' for future forms, <a href=highlighting their forms, usage, and meaning, with example sentences for predictions and decisions." width="500" height="500" />

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Use be going to to talk about something that you see is going to happen (there is present evidence).

Sometimes, there’s little difference between will and be going to for predictions. Compare:


Use will for decisions that you take at the moment of speaking (instant decisions).

Use be going to for decisions that you have already taken at the moment of speaking (intentions or plans).

Compare these two sentences:

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