PARS Rice Cooker Instructions - Persian-Style Basmati Rice Recipe

The PARS rice cooker is specifically designed for making Persian-style rice (a.k.a. Iranian-style rice), which is steamed basmati rice with a crunchy rice crust ("tahdig"). Making rice this way is actually very easy once you know how! Read more You may find the English-language translation of the actual PARS manual to be very difficult to understand, which is why I rewrote the instructions in a localized version specifically for North Americans. NOTE: You can download the actual PARS-Rice-Cooker manual here: See less

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How to make it

Rinse rice. Close

Prepare crust variation (optional). Close

Mix rice with oil and salt. Close

Measure water in metric! Close

Wrap a tea towel around pot lid. Close

Turn cooked rice onto a serving platter. Close

Remove crust and fluff rice. Close